Special Reports

Optimizing Marketing Data

Marketers have a lot of data. But having a lot of data and optimizing the marketing data to make the most of that data are two entirely different things. Download this Special Report to...

Busting Through the B2B Noise: Lead Gen Trends

Simply getting on prospects’ radar is a major hurdle in B2B lead generation today. Every channel is clogged with marketing—both good and bad—and marketers are challenged to make the most of their automation investments and create content that connects.

The Essential Rebranding Guide

Partner Content

Rebranding is a challenging time for any organization and this guide aims to make it easier to undergo the rebrand process and get the most out of your rebrand.

The Art of B2B Creative

B2B creative needs to engage users at multiple points in the sales funnel. To succeed, marketers must craft marketing materials that not only promote the product or service, but also fill the readers need for information. In this special report, discover trends and tricks for creative that converts.

The B2B Loyalty Challenge

In this special report, discover how you can create loyal B2B brand advocates that buy again and again.

The Definitive Guide to Template Management

Partner Content

Imagine a world where every company issued document, content, presentation, and email had the right logo, up-to-date branding, and correct legal disclaimer - well that’s what template management does. This guide covers how brand and marketing leaders can ensure brand and legal compliance while increasing productivity across the organization.